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Frankfort Track Win Home Meet


It was a tremendous day on the track for multiple TVL schools as the Frankfort Wildcats their 2nd meet of the year on March 11th. The home Wildcats would take the team title, earning 5 girls gold medals and the boys finishing with 8. However, the Wildcats weren't the only ones who can consider this day a success as the Doniphan West girls finished a mere point behind Frankfort and the Blue Valley girls taking many of the speed events.

In the speed races, Blue Valley finished 1 and 2 with Junior Amelia Moses crossing the line at 13.11 and Lexi Weixelman finishing at 13.45. Frankfort's Ellie Studer and Tessa Parthemer took 3rd and 4th who both finished under 14 seconds while spots 5 through 10 went Doniphan West's Courtney Johnson, Lydia Dumler of Blue Valley, Linn Junior Morgan Wurtz, Jaidyn Smith, Eve Corkill and Kya Keller who crossed the line at 14.59.

Moses would take the 200 and 400 meter races as well, finishing in 27.70 in the 200 and the 400 in 1:05. Once again, Frankfort would follow closely though with Hattie Gros taking 2nd place and Loralei Loiseau finishing in 3rd, each within a second of the leader. Weixelman finished in 4th followed by a trio D-West Mustangs in Johnson, Smith and Kaya Keller. While spots 8 and 9 went to Frankfort's Annie Dressman and Blue Valley's Kenidy Lister who crossed the line at 31.05.

The 800M was taken by Doniphan West's Laela Idol at 2:56.03 defeating Blue Valley runners Kaylie Carter and Anna Corkill all finishing under the 3 minute mark. Idol's D-West teammate Cassidy Blanton would finish 4th as well.

Blanton and Idol would earn gold and silver in the mile event. Laela at 6:28.07 and Cassidy at 6:32.18. Once again a Frankfort athlete found themselves in a top 3 spot, this time Holland Shirley going 6:37.36.

The hurdle events were Wildcat owned as well. Tessa Parthemer finished at 17.70 in the 100M defeating Alexis Dalinghaus by .5 seconds and Laci Hyde at 18.66, all 3 Wildcats being the only athletes finishing under 20 seconds. Parthemer couldn't earn the 300 crown however, instead placing 2nd to Senior Emma Hardwick who blazed through at 49.36, almost 3 full seconds ahead of her competition.

Frankfort would take both of the relay races as well. The 4x100 title going to the team of Hardwick, Studer, Ashlyn Dalinghaus, and Hattie Gros who finished in 54.80 a half second ahead of the D-West team of Johnson, Keller, Jaidyn Smith and Melissa Schurr who finished at 54.80. Frankfort's team of Laci Hyde, Loralei Loiseau and Lilly and Annie Dressman.

Finally in the 4x800 it was Frankfort's Studer, Hardwick, Shirley and Gros taking 1st at 11:08 defeating D-West's team of Kayte Falk, Laela Idol, Belle Smith and Cassidy Blanton who crossed the line in 11:30.

In the ladies field events, it was a pair of gold medals for Linn's Carissa Kolle winning the shot put by over a foot with a throw of 34' 2.5" and earning the discus event by being the only athlete throwing over 100 feet and defeating her nearest competitor Camryn Beikmann by 20 feet.

A pair of Freshmans were the top placers in the Javelin event. Doniphan West's Andi Foster threw 102' 1" with Blue Valley's Lydia Dumler going 98' 2" with Linn Bulldogs Kolle and Marcella Huerta finishing in 3rd and 4th place respectively.

On the boys side, Lane Loiseau would take both the 100 and 200 defeating teammate Carter Olson in the 100 and edging out Blue Valley's Trevor Clark in the 200. In the 100, 3rd place went to Doniphan West runner Kelby Windmeyer with Frankfort's Trent Hardin and D-West freshman Hudson Ingmire taking spots 4 and 5.

Windmeyer would persevere in the quarter mile though, taking the 400 in 54.23, a half-second ahead of a pack of Blue Valley Rams, Trace Sump, Braden Brockman, Trevor Clark and Nate Irving in spots 2 through 5.

The Linn Bulldogs' Connor Ohlde earned the 800M crown at 2:17.60, ahead of Doniphan West Freshman Bronson Koehl and Blue Valley's Hayes Hall who took 2nd and 3rd respectively. Hall and Koehler would get retribution in the mile race taking the top 2 spots, Hall at 5:06.32 and Koehler at 5:10.83. Greyson Ohlde of Linn takes 3rd with spots 4 through 6 going to Derek Blanton, Channing Farrar and Cameron Yuil. Blanton took the 3200M, with the only sub 12 time, coming in at 11:54 ahead of Blue Valley Freshman Titus Cobb and Isaac Idol of D-West.

Frankfort's Jett Keller and Leo Fronza each finished in the top 4 in the hurdle events. Keller finishing the 110 at 18.95 for 1st place and the 300 at 46.23 for the silver medal. Fronza, the Wildcat Junior finished in 3rd in the 110 and 4th in the 300 both just seconds behind the leader.

In the throwing events, Blue Valley earned a gold medal with a Dakota Krause shot put throw of 44' 2" defeating Frankfort's Ole Svae by 4 inches. Trevor Clark threw 39' 6" for 3rd with Linn's Dylan Ohlde taking 4th at 39' 3".

Frankfort took the top three discus throws, Ole Svae at 141', Wes Anderson at 127' and Fred Rosquist finishing just short of the 119' mark. While Ty Smith would take the Javelin defeating Dylan Ohlde by 9 feet going 150' 9" Blue Valley's Easton Dunstan and Jarin Brenner rounding out the top 5.

Frankfort would wrap up their terrific day taking gold in all of the jumps. Trent Hardin taking the Long and Triple Jumps with Lane Loiseau and Ole Svae earning 1st and 2nd in the High Jump.

Frankfort would take the competition on their home course followed by the Doniphan West girls and the Blue Valley boys.


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